
stories of war between boy and machine

September, 2014

Multiple-user student webserver

[The following post has been superceded by a more recent one, which tidies up the installation a bit and automates the LAMP installation.] For today’s (well, the last week or so) post, I’ll outline the steps needed to build a webserver that can be used by multiple users, authenticated from an active directory environment, to host […]

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FOG Update – Part 7

Further to the previous post, everything seems to have been a success. I wiped out list of hosts from the FOG database when I installed the server from scratch and so have been going around all of our PCs re-registering them all from the FOG host registration menu, using some sort of naming convention (<department><room>-<assettag>). […]


FOG Update – Part 6

Active Directory settings in FOG 1.0+ Back in FOG Update – Part 2, I said that you could just copy and paste settings from the old FOG to the new one. Except that, as of version 1.0, the username for the account that can add machines to Active Directory should NOT contain the domain. In […]
